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Found 38 Results For Search:
Keyword(s): Climate
(Displaying 10 per page)

Coastal Flood Monitoring System

Tools & Applications

The Delaware Coastal Flood Monitoring System (CFMS) is a web-based tool and alert system designed to provide emergency managers, planners, and others the information needed regarding upcoming coastal flood events. The CFMS covers the Delaware Bay coast …

NSF: Search All Funding


Browse, search, and discover more about NSF funding opportunities.

NSF Active Funding Opportunities


Currently active funding opportunities available through the NSF.

Delaware Climate Change Projections Portal


Data visualization, data downloads, and general information of downscaled climate projections for Delaware.

NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer

Tools & Applications

The purpose of this data viewer is to provide coastal managers and scientists with a preliminary look at sea level rise and coastal flooding impacts.

Surging Seas Risk Zone Maps

Tools & Applications

Teaser about Sea Zone Risk Maps.

Recommendation of Sea-Level Rise Planning Scenarios for Delaware: Technical Report

Projects & Reports

This technical report was developed from these efforts summarizing the impacts of SLR in Delaware, recent research on historic SLR reconstructions, data from tide gauges located within the Delaware region, several recent international and national assessments on projecting future SLR conditions, and recommendations of new SLR scenarios to use in Delaware long-range planning activities.

Climate-Conscious Comprehensive Planning in Delaware

Projects & Reports

This report is written for planners, local government officials, concerned citizens, and decision-makers who are motivated to move their communities forward in a more sustainable and resilient direction through a truly comprehensive development plannin …

Coastal Delaware Resiliency

Projects & Reports

A warming climate, changes in weather patterns, and rising sea levels will change how and where business is done in coastal Delaware. These factors may also provide new business opportunities. This report summarizes the current state of climate science …

Climate Action in Delaware: 2016 Progress Report

Projects & Reports

In September 2013, the Governor signed Executive Order 41: Preparing Delaware for Emerging Climate Impacts and Seizing Economic Opportunities from Reducing Emissions. The Executive Order directed Delaware state government agencies to address both the c …