This website is designed to provide easy access to relevant and useful information for assessing impacts and preparing for climate change in Delaware. It is intended to be used by citizens, business owners, government officials, and scientists.
The website contains documents and tools that have been reviewed and screened by staff of the DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal, and Energy and the University of Delaware Center for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. Contents will be periodically updated. If you have a suggestion for a resource that should be included in this collection, please feel free to submit content through our “Add a Resource” form.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, we encourage you to visit the Contact page.
This website was prepared by the University of Delaware Center for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis using Federal funds under awards NA16NOS4190168 from the Delaware Coastal Programs and the Office for Coastal Management (OCM), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce and proceeds from Delaware’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.